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About Us

Welcome to Dynamix Learning!

We are passionate about teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

We believe the best way to learn a challenging concept is not by endless hours of lecture, but to experience it! TM

We desire to reveal the design in our amazing world, encourage others to explore new possibilities, and equip learners with the hands-on experience and knowledge to make their dreams a reality.

All of our interactive models and instructional booklets were thoughtfully designed by a degreed mechanical engineer.

We strive to be good stewards of our beautiful planet – all Dynamix kits are packaged in reusable storage cases to promote sustainability and all kits are made of biodegradable plastic (PLA; polylactic acid).

Thank you for stopping by!

- Austin

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Our Story

My name is Austin. I founded Dynamix Learning soon after graduating college with a mechanical engineering degree... but wait a minute, why start a company? And what does "Dynamix" mean anyways?

Dynamix owes its existence, in large part, to an epiphany I had when reflecting on my time at school. This epiphany is the motivation and heartbeat of the Company:



Don't get me wrong - I don't dislike school, I am very passionate about education. Theory is necessary to cultivate a well-rounded understanding, but so is experiencing the theories for yourself. This is what Dynamix aims to do: literally place key STEM concepts in your hands. Don't just learn a theory, experience it! TM

Each Dynamix kit is thoughtfully designed with you in mind - whether you are an inquisitive elementary school student, a seasoned life-long learner, or anyone in between - I want you to learn and to enjoy the process!


If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a Dynamix Learner, please reach out below.


p.s. "Dynamix" is pronounced "dynamics," a branch of physics that studies the mechanics of objects in motion. "Statics" is the branch of physics concerned with the study of objects not in motion (i.e. static).


Our world is always in motion, and so are you! Learning should be dynamic, engaging, memorable, and fun. This is what Dynamix Learning is all about.

It was not until a junior-level class in a fantastic engineering curriculum that I was taught about gears - a fundamental topic in my field.  After spending two years (and tens of thousands of dollars) at an excellent university, I was excited to finally study some tangible engineering; however, gears were introduced using tiny, black-and-white diagrams and confusing formulas - nothing I could hold in my hand and experience for myself. I knew there had to be a better way to learn. It was not until my hands-on summer internships that I began to practically understand gears and their place in the world.

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Have a question? Want to become a Dynamix learner? Let us know! We are here to help. 


Note: All logos, literature, product designs, and additional intellectual property belong solely to Dynamix Learning, LLC.

You may not reproduce any of the Company's intellectual property without expressed consent.

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